by Daniel Raßbach | Jan 1, 2021
Flume Ride XL Brave Enough to Ride the Boss? Flume Ride XL Are your riders ready for the ultimate thrill on the BigBoss of flumes? It starts with a monster climb up thesteep hill, and then…what goes up must come down,and fast! With a colossal splash at the end, this...
by Daniel Raßbach | Sep 7, 2020
Flume Rides Our Flume Rides No Results Found The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post. Want to know more about our rides? Drop us a line – happy to provide you with more...
by Daniel Raßbach | Sep 2, 2020
Dive Coaster A unique thrill ride for small spaces The Dive Coaster is a new and unique thrill ride. It provides a real free fall such as very nice accelerations in seat direction. One of the big advantages of this ride is the very small ground space needed. It fits...
by Daniel Raßbach | Sep 1, 2020
Roller Ball Big Fun on small Footprint Giddy Up, and Up, and Up! Roller Ball Up to 12 riders take the air in this RES original that packsin fun for the whole family. Anticipation builds as riders flyup to 28 meters in the air, the anticipation increasing asthey wonder...