Interactive Observation Tower

Interactive Observation Tower

Interactive Observation Tower Up, up and away in your beautiful balloon! Interactive Observation Tower Up to 32 riders, sitting or standing, experience theweightless sensation of a hot air balloon and the magicalfeeling of floating in the air. They will marvel at the...
Parachute Tower

Parachute Tower

Parachute Tower Float, fly, rotate, and steer, you're in control! Parachute Tower Up to 32 riders float effortlessly into the heavens, incomplete control of their own gondola rotation theentire time, taking it all in. And then suddenly they’refalling, until they feel...
Vertical Dark Ride

Vertical Dark Ride

Vertical Dark Ride Don't worry, nothing is going to...AAAHHHH!!! Vertical Dark Ride 20 riders rise smoothly into their experience, completelyimmersed in multiple multimedia storytelling levels withspecial effects. Then, with no warning or noticeablemovement from...
Dynamic Tip Tower

Dynamic Tip Tower

Dynamic Tip Tower Lean info the tipping thrills! Dynamic Tip Tower 20 riders climb up to dizzying heights as the tower tiltshelter-skelter in all directions, back, forward, left, right,they never know where they’re going next. They’ll feellike they are freefalling as...
Gyro Dynamic Tip Tower

Gyro Dynamic Tip Tower

Gyro Dynamic Tip Tower Up, Down, Side to Side, Forward to Back and AHHHHH... Gryo Dynamic Tip Tower 16 riders climb up to dizzying heights, the circulargondola rotating 360-degrees the entire time. The towertilts helter-skelter in all directions, back, forward,...