What a joy!A new goal is reached; patent for Air Loop has been...
Highest Freefall Tower in Danmark for Tivoli Friheden

Highest Freefall Tower in Danmark for Tivoli Friheden

„Hjertekig“ – this is the name of the highest Danish Freefall Tower starting 2019, built by Ride Engineers Switzerland. This new amusement ride comes with a free fall of 65 meters and can be used both, as a free fall tower as well as an observation tower. The opening...
Do we meet in Orlando? ☕ 🎢

Do we meet in Orlando? ☕ 🎢

Visit us at IAAPA Orlando! We will be present at IAAPA in Orlando. And we are looking forward if you come to visit us at our booth! Please reserve your preferred meeting time so we can make sure to have enough time for our discussion. September and...