Wave Twist

Twist & turn like a ship on big waves

Wave Twist

20 brave shipmates feel the power of the seas while
spinning in wild circular motions along the giant waves
of the curved rail. Unexpected twists and turns send
them high on one wave and crashing down on the next,
all while staying high, dry and giddy.
Our Wave Twist is fully customizable and available in 3
sizes, letting you make your own waves and tell your
own story. 2 gondolas hold 10 passengers each. The
entire vehicle turns around its own axle while running
on a curved track from one end to the other, while
each gondola is rotating on the vehicle.


  • Kids/Family
  • Thrill Seekers
  • Interactive
 Technical Specification


16 x 9 m

Theoretical capacity

480 pph

All data approx. and subject to change. Ride built according to customers
local standards (DIN/EN, ASTM or GB).

 Technical Specification


45 x 45 m, 10 m wide

Theoretical capacity

480 pph

 All data approx. and subject to change. Ride built according to customers
local standards (DIN/EN, ASTM or GB).